Venegas e gli altri. Il teatro nella prassi pedagogica gesuita del Cinquecento

Luana Salvarani


Venegas &c. Theatre in 16th-century Jesuit education

Theatre has been a distinctive feature of Jesuit education from the very first years. Miguel Venegas, teacher of Rhetoric at Coimbra College and co-author (with his pupils) of some kolossal biblical dramas, staged between 1559-1562, gave a crucial contribution tothe prestige of Jesuit colleges. His tragedies provide a forceful pedagogical example. Furthermore, the outstanding quality of Venegas’ plays gives an outlook on the influence of Jesuit college theatre on the future Baroque masterworks.


Venegas &c. El teatro en la educación Jesuita del Siglo XVI

El teatro ha sido un elemento distintivo de la educación Jesuita desde épocas tempranas. Miguel Venegas, profesor de Retórica en la Universidad de Coimbra y co-autor (junto con sus alumnos) de algunos dramas bíblicos colosales, que tuvieron lugar entre 1559-1562, hizo una crucial contribución al prestigio de los colegios Jesuitas. Sus tragedias son un ejemplo contundente pedagógico. Además, la calidad excepcional de las obras de Venegas da una perspectiva sobre la influencia del teatro de colegio Jesuita sobre las obras maestras del Barroco en el futuro.



Jesuit education (16th century), Renaissance and Baroque sacred theatre, Early modern Latin poetry, Rhetoric, acting and stage practices.

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EDUCAZIONE. Giornale di pedagogia critica

diretta da

Francesco Mattei, Benedetto Vertecchi e Cristiano Casalini

Editoriale Anicia (Roma, Italia) -

ISSN 2280-7837 (print)
ISSN 2280-9600 (online)