La pedagogia dei maestri: il contributo di Albino Bernardini

Elena Zizioli


The pedagogy of the masters: the contribution of Albino Bernardini.

The article presents the contribution of the master Albino Bernardini in the context of the post-war pedagogical debate. In particular, it is valued his battle for a “school for all” and also his educational commitment for the rescue of marginalized children. The survey was also based on the materials available in the Albino Bernardini Archive, deposited at the “Mauro Laeng” School and Education Museum (MuSEd) of the Roma Tre University.


La pedagogía de los maestros: la contribución de Albino Bernardini.

El artículo presenta la contribución del maestro Albino Bernardini en el contexto del debate pedagógico de la posguerra. En particular, se valora su batalla por el rescate de los niños marginados. La investigación se basó en el material disponible en los archivos del Museo sobre la Escuela y la Educación "Mauro Laeng" (MuSEd) de la Universidad Roma Tre.


Democracy; Education; Students; Marginalization; Poverty.

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EDUCAZIONE. Giornale di pedagogia critica

diretta da

Francesco Mattei, Benedetto Vertecchi e Cristiano Casalini

Editoriale Anicia (Roma, Italia) -

ISSN 2280-7837 (print)
ISSN 2280-9600 (online)