Dismantle and rebuild the house in the Italian picture books of the 1940s. Mario Sturani, Elsa Morante, Bruno Munari

Lorenzo Cantatore


In the 1940s of the twentieth century in Italy important experiments for the creation of a new type of children’s book took place. The experience of Einaudi publisher regards two authors who, in the following decades, conquered great fame: Elsa Morante and Bruno Munari. Morante makes a large-format book, illustrated by herself, in which the house is still a material prison from which childwood save us through fantasy opposing the fairytale castle to the house, while Munari translates in children’s language the historical vanguard grammar, decomposing the domestic universe and attributing each object fantastic, surreal features that stimulate the imagination and creativity of the reader. 

Desmantelación y reconstrucción de la casa en los libros ilustrados italianos de la década de 1940. Mario Sturani, Elsa Morante, Bruno Munari

En la década de 1940 del siglo XX en Italia tuvieron lugar importantes experimentos para la creación de un nuevo tipo de libro para niños. La experiencia de la editorial Einaudi contempla a dos auto-res que, en las décadas siguientes, conquistaron una gran fama: Elsa Morante y Bruno Munari. Morante hace un libro de gran formato, ilustrado por ella misma, en el cual la casa sigue siendo una prisión material en la que la infancia nos salva mediante la fantasía


Home; Lived spaces; Furniture; Illustrated Books; Elsa Morante; Bruno Munari.

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EDUCAZIONE. Giornale di pedagogia critica

diretta da

Francesco Mattei, Benedetto Vertecchi e Cristiano Casalini

Editoriale Anicia (Roma, Italia) - http://www.edizionianicia.it

ISSN 2280-7837 (print)
ISSN 2280-9600 (online)
